Our campaigns
Green New Deal for Communities
It’s time for a Green New Deal for our communities. Door by door, neighborhood by neighborhood, we will take over our cities and towns to put everyday people in charge and win the world we deserve.
We are taking over cities and towns across the country.
The climate crisis is already affecting our daily lives – from flooding our homes to increasing asthma to driving up food prices, we’re feeling the costs. And we know it’s only going to get worse – unless we force our local government to act on climate and build out the social safety net we need. We’re running local campaigns across the country – from creating free public transit to building safe, green public housing to decarbonizing our cities.
Bought out politicians might be happy to sit idly by, but we won’t let them. We will knock on the doors of our neighbors, march in the streets and build an unstoppable groundswell of public support until it’s impossible for our politicians to ignore us.
Our local organizing will spark national change. We will confront the fossil fuel billionaires and extremists who are trying to bargain away our futures, inspire other young people to take action, and when the time is right, unite our campaigns across the country to win federal legislation.
We’re building the power to make our government not just listen to us, but follow our lead.

Our vision
Our cities and towns should be places where people can not just survive, but thrive. Places where we have affordable housing, public spaces where young people can hang out, and we’re prepared in case a climate disaster hits. Where we have built out public transportation systems, and we’ve moved away from fossil fuels.
Our campaign
City by city, we’re winning the types of visionary policy that can be an example to people everywhere.
Our goals
- Transform our cities and set an example for the rest of the country about what climate action should look like
- Build an unstoppable movement that represents our cities and towns
- Build public support for a Green New Deal, locally and nationally
what we want
We’re fighting for cities and towns to adopt local Green New Deal legislation that includes housing, transportation and public power. These are a few of the campaigns our chapters are running across the country:

Green New Deal Public Housing:
Housing is a human right. It’s time to overhaul our housing system, protect renters, stop charging unreasonable rent, and make sure that everyone who needs it has access to dignified, green, clean housing. That’s why we need a Green New Deal for Public Housing to address both of these issues at once by weatherizing, electrifying and modernizing our public housing so that it may serve as a model of efficiency, sustainability and resiliency for the rest of the country.

Green New Deal for TransIT
It’s wild that in the richest nation in the world, communities across the country – rural, suburban, and cities – still don’t have access to affordable, efficient public transit. Electrification of our cars is essential, but not enough – we must move to a model where people can use public transit to get around in their daily lives. In cities and in rural areas, investments in buses and clean transit are investments in young people, working people, and people of color. That’s why we must invest in electrifying and expanding public transit across the country.

Public Power
Corporations will take the coming green transition as an opportunity to expand their reach and exploit us. But the reality is that we cannot stop climate change under corporate leadership. That means putting power in the hands of the people. We’re calling to change all of our utility systems from big, privatized utility companies who are thinking about nothing but the bottom line. We’re fighting for public funding that empowers communities to build publicly owned, 100% renewable energy systems while cutting costs for working families on energy and creating good, union jobs in the process.

Green New Deal for Public Spaces
Americans need more green spaces to spend time with each other, together. From parks to community centers, it’s time to revive our public spaces and make sure we can all thrive. We’re fighting to make sure every neighborhood in the city has safe, healthy places to gather and young people to play. That means staffing and updating rec centers, libraries, and parks. It means making it easier for people to build community gardens and harder for developers to take them away. If we do this we can make our city safer, more resilient to extreme weather and cut down on our carbon emissions.
the latest
movement updates
Luigi Mangione, United Healthcare, and how we got here.
Read more: Luigi Mangione, United Healthcare, and how we got here. -
REPORT: Sunrise 2024 General election Impact
Read more: REPORT: Sunrise 2024 General election Impact -
Sunrise Has Contacted 344,437 Young Voters: Here’s What We’re Hearing
Read more: Sunrise Has Contacted 344,437 Young Voters: Here’s What We’re Hearing