Monthly grassroots donations are one of the most important ways social movements like ours consistently bring in the money we need to build an army of climate organizers at the rate needed to stop the climate crisis.
Recurring contributions from people like you not only show that our movement and demands are not radical but in fact something most of us support, but they also help Sunrisers mobilize at full speed year-round.
Please consider becoming a monthly Sunrise Sustainer to help us keep at this work!

Other ways to contribute
Reach out to the Fundraising Team at [email protected] to learn about other ways you can help us organize the money we need to win this fight.
Our Impact
Sunrise is a movement of young people organizing to build the people and political power we need to stop the climate crisis. In the few short years Sunrise has existed, we have propelled the climate movement forward and even won some things that were previously thought “politically impossible.” But our work is far from over.
As our country stumbles towards facism it’s critical that we get organized in even greater numbers. Sunrise is filling a gap we saw in organizing people under 34 and we’re harnessing the moral clarity and energy young people have to demand our right to a liveable future.
But this is a monumental task and we need everyone involved in this collective fight. Our movement’s work to spread the demand for the Green New Deal and win concrete climate action is funded in large by people like you. While our opponents have millions to pour into deceiving the public and chipping away at our futures, we have the power to organize financial support from a wider pool of people who are also deep in this fight with us.
Please support our work by making a donation today. There is power in how and where you spend your money, and your contributions to Sunrise will help us strengthen and grow our movement to the scale we need to win a Green New Deal. Any chance, no matter how small, at averting climate catastrophe is worth the fight and the investment, and we need you with us. Donate today and join us in fighting to stop the climate crisis.
For all fundraising inquiries please email Victoria Garcia at [email protected].