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Sunrise Movement Statement on DNC Reversing 2-Month Old Ban On Fossil Fuel PAC Donations

Sunrise Movement

Sunrise Movement Statement on DNC Reversing 2-Month Old Ban On Fossil Fuel PAC Donations

August 10, 2018

Varshini Prakash, Communications Director, [email protected], 978–430–0708
Evan Weber, National Political Director, [email protected], 808–224–0644

“Over the past week, young people across the country went to politicians offices in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New York, Michigan, California, Alabama, Florida, and more to tell politicians of both parties that if they expect our enthusiastic support for their campaigns, they need to join the 950+ candidates who have already stood with our generation by swearing off contributions from fossil fuel executives, front-groups, and lobbyists.

“Today, the DNC responded by backtracking on the promise it made in June to young people that fossil fuel executives would no longer dictate our democracy, and tried to disguise it in a resolution appealing to workers’ rights. We need sound policies that protect and expand workers’ rights, create millions of good-paying jobs for Americans, and support a just transition away from a fossil fueled-economy. Accepting bribes from Big Oil and Gas PACs will not get us there.

“Our generation will be the largest voting block in history for the first time this year, and we broadly disapprove of our politicians taking money from the oil and gas companies that threaten our future. Come election time, we’ll remember the candidates who took a stand for our future and those who stood with the well-oiled machine.” — Evan Weber, National Political Director


Sunrise is a movement to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process. We are building an army of young people to make climate change an urgent political priority, end the corrupting influence of fossil fuel executives on our politics, and elect leaders who will stand up for the health and well-being of all people. This past week, leaders with the Sunrise Movement confronted politicians in 12 states demanding they take the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge. For more information, visit

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