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Sunrise Movement Announces First Round of Endorsed Candidates

Sunrise Movement Announces First Round of Endorsed Candidates

The Sunrise Slate 2018 will fight for our health, home, and future.

Varshini Prakash, Communications Director, [email protected], 978–430–0708
Evan Weber, National Political Director, [email protected], 808–224–0644


This morning, Sunrise, a grassroots movement of young people working to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process, announced the the first 20 candidates of the Sunrise Slate 2018: candidates they are endorsing and putting their movement’s weight behind in the 2018 mid-term elections, including Abdul El-Sayed for Governor of Michigan, Ilhan Omar for US Congress in MN-02, Anna Eskamani, for FL HD-47 and Randy Bryce for US Congress in WI-01. See the full list below and at

“We’re thrilled to announce our first-ever round of endorsements. These candidates are some of the earliest adopters of the #NoFossilFuelMoney pledge and, if elected, would lead the fight against oil and gas lobbyists in state capitols around the country, and in Washington, DC. They’re putting forward big policy solutions to the climate crisis, like championing a Green New Deal and supporting a just and rapid transition to a 100% renewable energy future that leaves no community behind,” said Stephen O’Hanlon, Sunrise’s National Field Director.

“We know that the best way to tackle a fossil-fuel-corrupted administration is by electing a new generation of inspiring, people-powered leaders from the state to federal level. These are bold candidates who are ready and committed to taking on the climate crisis,” said Varshini Prakash, Sunrise co-Founder and Communications Director.

In the last seven weeks, 70 Sunrise fellows have contacted over 36,905 voters, knocked over 10,321 doors and filled over 1,000 volunteer shifts. Around the country, the group’s local teams are knocking doors, organizing text and phone-banks, and recruiting volunteers in support of their endorsed candidates. They’re also asking politicians to reject the influence of fossil fuel executives by signing the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge and putting pressure on and exposing those who won’t. Already over 900 candidates have signed on to the pledge, including all members of the Sunrise Slate.

“Sunrise aims to make 2018 the year that no politician can seriously claim to care about our generation’s future and still take campaign bribes from the executives, lobbyists, and front-groups who have done everything in their power to block action to stop climate change. A new generation of candidates is rising up to challenge the status quo. If elected, these candidates will be unafraid to stand up to fossil fuel CEOs and do what it takes to make climate change an urgent political priority in this country,” said Evan Weber, Sunrise’s National Political Director.

Statements from some of the endorsed candidates:

“Environmental destruction is one of the greatest threats of our time. We know what kind of action we have to take — invest in renewable energy and green manufacturing, oppose dangerous pipeline projects, and create high-paying, union jobs in clean energy. I’m proud to have the endorsement of Sunrise Movement. Looking forward to fighting towards climate justice for ourselves and our future.” — Ilhan Omar, Congressional candidate, MN-5

“Honored to have the endorsement of the Sunrise Movement, an organization committed to making climate change an urgent priority across America. I believe Florida’s future economy relies on protecting and preserving our natural resources, from waterways to beaches, from swamps to forests. As the Sunshine State, we should be the global leader in renewable energy, especially solar. We must invest in the creation of green jobs, and prioritize the health of our families, climate, and democracy. Climate change is real, and we must not only curb it’s impact but protect communities who are already experiencing extreme weather and rising sea levels. It’s time we move away from energy sources of the past and look instead, towards the future.” — Anna Eskamani, FL House District 47

“Corporate money is ruining our environment. We’ve got to stand up right now if we want to hand over this earth that we were blessed with to our children and our grandchildren. When a group of young people come together around a solution to a problem, they win. I’m incredibly thankful to the Sunrise Movement for standing with us. I am proud to welcome their endorsement and will work together to achieve real climate justice for our state and our country.” — Abdul El-Sayed, candidate for Governor of Michigan

“The year my son was born we had three 100 year storms in Hawai’i. In his lifetime Waikiki will be underwater — unless we act now. That’s why I’m running on one of the most aggressive climate platforms in the nation: a Green New Deal to reboot our economy while boldly addressing climate change. I’ve been inspired by the incredible leadership of the Sunrise Movement and I’m incredibly proud of this endorsement.” — Kaniela Ing, candidate for Congress (HI-01)

Full list of candidates:

ABDUL EL-SAYED — (D) (deafeated)
Michigan Candidate for Governor

Pennsylvania Candidate for US Congress (PA-11),

Minnesota Candidate for US Congress (MN-05)

Hawai’i Candidate for US Congress (HI-01)

New York Candidate for US Congress (NY-14)

CYNTHIA NIXON — (D, Working Families Party)
New York Candidate for Governor

JUMAANE WILLIAMS (D, Working Families Party)
New York Candidate for Lieutenant Governor

Michigan Candidate for US Congress (MI-13)

Florida State House Candidate (HD-47)

Pennsylvania State House Candidate (HD-155)

Pennsylvania State Senate Candidate (SD-44)

ZELLNOR MYRIE — (D, Working Families Party)
New York State Senate Candidate (SD-20)

ALESSANDRA BIAGGI — (D, Working Families Party)
New York State Senate Candidate (SD-34)

New York State Senate Candidate (SD-18)

Maryland Candidate for Governor

Wisconsin Candidate for US Congress (WI-01)

New Mexico Candidate for US Congress (NM-01)

Pennsylvania State House Candidate (HD-97)

Michigan State House Candidate (HD-69)

Pennsylvania State House Candidate (HD-41)

Sunrise is a movement to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process.We’re building an army of young people to make climate change an urgent priority across America, end the corrupting influence of fossil fuel executives on our politics, and elect leaders who stand up for the health and wellbeing of all people. We are ordinary young people who are scared about what the climate crisis means for the people and places we love. We are gathering in classrooms, living rooms, and worship halls across the country. Everyone has a role to play. Public opinion is already with us — if we unite by the millions we can turn this into political power and reclaim our democracy.


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