Movement updates

AOC and Markey to close out 250-city Road to a Green New Deal Tour, launch next phase of Sunrise Movement campaign

Sunrise Movement

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Monday, May 13th, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will headline the final stop of the Road to a Green New Deal Tour. 1,500 people are expected to fill the Cramton Auditorium at Howard University, where Sunrise organizers will launch the next phase of the movement’s campaign for a Green New Deal. Sunrise chapters nationwide will tune into the livestream.


  • Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
  • Sen. Ed Markey
  • Varshini Prakash, Executive Director of Sunrise Movement as MC, panel moderator
  • Judith Howell, 32BJ membe
  • Payton Wilkins, HBCU Climate Consortium
  • Naomi Klein, author and activist
  • Alexandra Rojas, Executive Director of Justice Democrats
  • Rhiana Gunn-Wright, policy lead for the GND, New Consensus
  • Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, musician, indigenous climate activist (pending confirmation)
  • Jeremiah Lowery, activist

WHAT: A multimedia event featuring political and community leaders, discussing the promise of the Green New Deal.

WHERE: Cramton Auditorium, Howard University, 2455 6th St NW, Washington, DC 20059, USA

WHEN: Monday May 13, 7:00–8:30PM ET.

WHY: In 2018, young people put the Green New Deal on the national agenda and permanently changed the conversation on climate policy in this country. The movement backing the Green New Deal has exploded since, with this event capping off a whirlwind month of 250 town halls nationwide. Defying the conventional wisdom that climate change is not a popular issue, large crowds packed union halls, churches, and auditoriums, including outside of traditional liberal strongholds, highlighting the broad support for the Green New Deal. At this event, Sunrise organizers will announce a nationwide campaign to make the 2020 election a referendum on the Green New Deal, with a major demonstration at the second Presidential debate in Detroit.

More information here:


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